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In 1907, Lord Baden Powell took a group of young men to Brownsea Island for the first Scout Summer Camp.  Since that first adventure, the outdoor program has been a foundation of the Scouting movement.

The boys and girls in Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA join for many reasons, but the excitement and adventure of the outdoors is one of the top drivers. 

Three-fourths of the word of ‘Scouting’ is ‘Outing’ and summer camp is the highlight of the Scouting year and outdoor experience.  Just like a foreign language immersion course, living at camp builds upon the Scouting foundations that were introduced and formed at the weekly and monthly Troop, Patrol, Pack and Den meetings.  Living and experiencing the values of Scouting at camp cements that foundation strong, making our youth prepared for life. 

To quote Lord Baden Powell, the founder of the Scouting movement, “Scouting is a game with a purpose.”  This means youth that participate in Scouting can have fun while exercising the aims of the Scouting movement which consist of leadership, character development, citizenship training and physical fitness. 

Climbing the tower, learning to swim, cooking a meal over an open flame and taking that 10-mile hike are all vehicles to reinforce the values and aims of Scouting.  So, when your son or daughter comes home from camp with a backpack of stinky cloths, with mud covered legs and a few bug bites, those might be the visible outcomes from camp. It is the reinforced leadership skills, character development, citizenship training and physical fitness that you can’t see on the outside that is the real benefit of camp. 

I hope to see you and your family along the trails of Camp Lakota, Camp Berry or one of our community Day Camps this summer.

Marc D. Kogan has been serving the Boy Scouts of America as a commissioned professional since  1998 and currently the Scout Executive/Executive Director for the Black Swamp Area Council.  As a youth in Scouting, Marc earned the rank of Eagle Scout. In addition, he was bestowed the Vigil Honor from the Order of the Arrow and completed the Wood Badge training.  Marc also currently serves as the Cubmaster for Cub Scout Pack 309, where his son is working on his Bear rank.  He resides in Findlay, OH with his wife and their son. 


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356