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CST 9 Program Conference Registration
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CST 9 Program Conference
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
4/1/2025 11:55 PM
2330 S Main St
Findlay, OH 45840, US
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Ken King from the National Camping and Trekking Committee highlights a day of training and information exchange to help propel your Scouting efforts to the next level. Register today ...


Council Service Territory 9 Program Conference

April 5, 2025

First Presbyterian Church, 2330 S. Main Street, Findlay Ohio


This conference is a great resource to help you plan a dynamic program to assist you to bring Scouting into the lives of the boys and girls we serve.

As dedicated Scouters, we all share in delivering the Promise of Scouting to all of them.

You don’t’ want to miss this conference!


A major benefit of attending this wider and very diverse conference is to experience over 20 various topics in addition to a curriculum offered dealing with Scouting U topics and Older Youth Programs.


Some scheduled topics include:


Special Needs Scouting                                Youth Protection Updates            Commissioners and Program

Year Round Recruiting                                  Religious Awards                             Event Planning

High Adventure                                              Activity Team building                   Relationship building

National Jamboree update                          Advancement Teams                     Social Media review

How to Market your Programs                   International Scouting                   Membership and Program


and much, much more!


Our scheduled guest speaker is Ken King from the National Camping and Trekking Committee.


The 2025 CST9 Program Conference opens at 8:00 AM with registration and the opening ceremony is at 8:45.

Cost for the Conference is $35.00 per person (Early Bird), which includes, food, swag items and other materials,

after March 29th, cost is $50.00 per person.

Pre-registration is required.  Last day to register is April 1.  

 To register, CLICK HERE or use the QR code below.

Advise when you register of any dietary needs.


A group of rooms will be blocked at the luxurious Hancock Hotel in Findlay.

  • Go to Hancock Hotel
  • Click “Book Now” in the right-hand corner of your screen
  • Fill in your Check-In & Check-Out Date, number of rooms, adults, and children and click “Check Availability.”
  • Where it says “Have a Promo or Group Code? Enter it now” Click on “Enter it now” and place the code “202504SCOUT” in the ‘Group Code’ box and hit ‘Update’ the discounted rates will then be listed.


This is an outstanding opportunity for you to meet and network with the great scouters from CST9!

If you have questions, please contact Mark Fleck, Council Service Territory 9 Program Lead at: or call at 812-630-4185

We hope to see you there!!





Council Service Territory 9 Program Conference

First Presbyterian Church, Findlay, OH

April 5, 2025


8:00                      Registration opens, refreshments, displays

8:45                      Opening Ceremony; Troop 304, First Presbyterian Church, Findlay Ohio

  • Welcome                                                         
    • Housekeeping and morning review                                            Mark Fleck
  • Safety Moment                                                                                 Tony Zizak


9:15                      Session Blocks begin!                                                   as assigned

10:30                    Sessions continue…                                                      as assigned

11:45                    Lunch is served


  • Keynote Speaker                                                                              Ken King
  • Review the afternoon                                                                        Mark Fleck


1:00                      Sessions begin                                                             as assigned

2:00                      Sessions continue                                                         as assigned

3:00                      Reconvene, review, evaluations                                     Jim Kern

  • Door Prizes!                                                                                    Rick McClelland


3:30                      Closing and clean-up. Thanks for coming! Have a safe trip home!

Contact E-mail
$50.00 per Participant
Early Discount
Before 3/29/2025 a discount of $15.00 will apply.
Cancellation Policy
BLACK SWAMP AREA COUNCIL GENERAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO ALL REFUNDS No refunds will be issued for activities where promotion literature states NO REFUNDS. Deposits are non-refundable. All monies are refundable if the council or district cancels an event. Refund requests for rescheduled events due to weather conditions will be dealt with on an individual basis, partial refunds can be granted after incurred expenses for the event have been taken into consideration. Transferring fees from one person to another within the same unit for the same program is permissible. Fees are not transferable from one event to another. No refund request for any event or facility will be accepted more than 14 days after the conclusion of the event. For resident camps, each session or week is considered a separate event. Any refund granted will be credited back to the source of the original payment. i.e., Credit card back to credit card, check back to checking account, etc. Valid reasons for requesting a refund include: o Illness o Death in family, or o Change in business plans. In no event shall any refund be made for any reason if the cost of the event has not been completely met. If substitution for participation in the event has been secured, then full refund may be made to the individual originally registered. Any refunds granted will be reduced by the cost of any deposit plus the cost of any materials already procured. Refunds will not be made for late arrivals or early departures. All requests for refunds of money must be made in writing to the Black Swamp Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Supporting receipts must accompany the request.


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356