Registration is open April 5 to May 1
Council Pinewood Derby is May 3
The Council Pinewood Derby is a collection of top-performing racers from each of the four district derbies. To qualify for the Council Pinewood Derby, you must finish 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in your age group, or be selected as the best in your age group for the paint/design category at your District Pinewood Derby.
This race location will be in Findlay with exact address coming as soon as the race facility is confirmed. Tentatively, the race is expected to return to Reineke Ford Lincoln Dealership, 1200 CR 99, Findlay OH 45840.
There is a $10 per entry fee and pre-registration is required for participation and to help cover the cost of awards.
CLICK HERE for copy of the 2025 racing rules!
Registration for the council derby opens after the district races on April 5 and closes May 1 so race organizers can enter racer information and be prepared for race day.
Good luck this year at your Pack race and at the district race should you qualify.
District Races
Each of the district races are set for Saturday, April 5. For more information on the district races, click on the respective link:
Volunteer Race Crew Chief/Coordinator Doug Borkosky is once again bringing the fun of racing to the council derby event.
Council Race Event Support Needed
There is a need for event day race support in areas of Registration, Car Inspection, Start Line Manager, Race Manager, Master of Ceremony, Concessions Area Manager.
Duties of Each Race Official:
1. Registration (Check-in) Officials
- Check registration:
- Racers must pre-register prior to the race. (ADDRESS – allowing walk-ins?)
- Race official should verify racer name and rank.
- Check weight of car:
- IF the scale is capable of readout to hundredths, cars may be 5.04 oz or less to be considered “Passing”.
- IF the scale is capable of readout to tenths, cars may be 5.0 oz or less to be considered “passing”.
- Do we want to try to get a standard weight for checking scales? NOTEL 5 oz = 141.75 grams
- Cars may be modified on site to achieve appropriate weight but they must go through complete check-in again prior to the race. A race will not be delayed due to cars that are receiving modifications.
- Check shape
- Cars must be compliant with the rules including diagrams provided with the rules. Key compliance points:
- The center front edge must be equal to the lowest point of the wood portion of the car (so ignore axles, wheels and weights).
- That lower edge must include 3/4 inch wide section in the center of the front.
- Check Size
- Car must be no more than 7” long
- Car must be no more than 2-3/4” wide including the wheels.
- For each Rank following check-in of all racers (or expiration of time for registration), provide the annotated registration list of racers for that rank noting any corrections to the list including no-shows, non-compliant eliminations, and any corrections to names. (Provide 3-5 minutes before the race to allow Race Manager to correct list in the program.)
2. Start Line Manager
- Oversees the placement of cars onto the track start line and releases the cars to start each heat.
- In general, only the racers should handle their car. The Start Line Manager may alert a racer if it appears the car is positioned incorrectly (wheels not on proper sides of the rails for the appropriate lane) or if the cub scout is having difficulty. (The intention is to minimize the chance of an adult dropping the car.)
- Must arrive early enough to become familiar with the starting mechanism and the required actions for resetting the start mechanism.
3. Race Manager (May be combined with MC)
- Responsible for operation of the computerized timing system/program.
- Morning of the race, re-verify operation of the timing system INCLUDING the lane labels/position. (Make sure that what is labeled “Lane 1” at the starting area is showing up as “Lane 1” in the results. Do this by triggering the lane one gate first, triggering the remaining lanes, and then verifying that Lane 1 is considered the winner.)
- Should have all of the registered racers pre-loaded into the race software.
- Following registration, modify the registrant/racer list for the rank and create a Race Schedule for the Rank. (Perfect-N, Once per lane)
- Work with the Start Line Manager to operate the timing system (release, race, reset)
- At the end of each Rank, prepare the Standing reveal from the results.
- Reveal the Top 3, one at a time, in coordination with MC and volunteer presenting the awards.
- Then, display the complete list of race results. It may be necessary to display a portion of the list and then scroll after suitable time (10 seconds or so).
- Save results to electronic file.
4. MC (Master of Ceremonies)
- Serve as the announcer for general announcements and for lane assignments.
- General announcements may include:
- Welcomes
- Directions to the restrooms
- Reminders about the Host (2024- Reinecke Family Dealerships)
- Registration desk announcements (ie. Bears may register at this time.)
- Announcements about food (if provided)
- Instructions to racers:
- Retrieve cars from the registration desk and sit in chairs near start area
- Process of loading cars
- Order on TV screen
- Which lane is which
- Racers to place cars using stool
- Racers to WALK to finish area after placing car
- Only one racer in start area at a time – tape line on floor
- Lane assignment announcements:
- After each race, read the lane assignments for each Lane (First name & Lane)
- If alerted by Start Line Manager, calling racers back to check car if not in proper position.
- General interaction:
- Interact with racers to increase enthusiasm (and attention)
- Lead countdowns (3-2-1)
- Compliments about good behavior
- Ad lib appropriately
- Interact with spectators as appropriate (entertaining, instructions, etc.)
- Awards:
- Announce awards in conjunction with presenter and Race Manager
5. Food Assistant
- Required at derbies where food is donated by the host.
- Organize and manage food area and provide proper support/manpower