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ABOVE: Members of Edgerton Troop 29B, Troop 29G & Pack 29 pose for a photo during Monday's Memorial Day observances.

Scouts Honor Fallen for Memorial Day

    ABOVE: Members of Pack 29, Troop 29B and Troop 29G participate in the Edgerton parade.

May 31, 2022 – By Erika Dutcher 

Duty and honor are spoken out loud in the Scout Oath at every meeting and event by Scouts across Northwest Ohio. But for Memorial Day 2022, those Scouts put into practice what they have pledged. In various cities across the county and locally Scouts reflect on the sacrifice of those who have given their lives in military service.

In Wauseon, OH, Scouts placed flags on more than 200 graves of fallen members of the military and veterans who have passed away at Wauseon Union Cemetery on May 17.

On Memorial Day, Scouts from Pack 8, Troop 8 and Crew 265 supported the Wauseon American Legion in remembering the fallen heroes again by walking in a parade and passing out flags to onlookers. After the parade, Scouts attended prayers and words of remembrance services at Union Cemetery.

ABOVE: Defiance Pack 75 Scouts and leaders pose for a photo during Monday's Memorial Day observance.

In Defiance, Cub Scouts from Pack 75 also paid tribute to fallen servicemembers by attending and participating in the Riverside Cemetery program facilitated by the Defiance Mayor’s Office. Eagle Scouts Layne Neff (T75), Caleb Zachrich (T75) and Bronze Star recipient, Austin Carr, Air Guard veteran and Eagle Scout from Troop 76, were among those who spoke to give respect to men and women who died while in service to our country.

Sweep west to Edgerton, Ohio, and you would have found Troop 29 Boy, Troop 29 Girl and Pack 29 placing flags on grave sites on May 21, then on May 30, marching and carrying flags in Edgerton’s annual Memorial Day Parade. At the end of the parade route, the entire group of Scouts and Scouters stopped and saluted the flags carried by the American Legion to pay one last respect for those we remember on Memorial Day.

Enjoy the photos of Scouts learning what it means to have written a check for one’s life to secure and maintain freedom they have in these United States.


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356