Join Section C-6B on May 13-15 at Cricket Holler Scout Camp to experience the 2022 Section Conclave! Enjoy a weekend with your fellow Arrowmen from all over western Ohio as you take part in a weekend filled with fun and fellowship! Between a morning of trainings, an afternoon full of fun at the Founder's Fair, and a great closing show, there will be no shortage of good times to have at Conclave this year. It's not an event you'll want to miss!
Registration will be open through May 7th for $50. After May 6th, be prepared to pay the late registration fee of $75 in cash or check. Regardless of when you register, make sure to bring a copy of parts A and B of your BSA Health and Medical Form with you to Conclave! We'll see you at Camp Hugh Taylor Birch on Friday, May 14th!