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Welcome to the Membership Hub

Your One-Stop Shop for Joining and Recruitment Information






Membership Resources

Membership Team: Below are helpful guides and hints to having a successful recruitment night.

September 12th, 6:30PM Rocket Into Scouting, see helpful resources your unit received at kickoff!

Social Media Posts

We are investing heavily in social media ads this year. 14 days from your Joining Night, ads will run through Facebook events, Google ads, and Next Door. Look for a link sent from your District Executive, which can be shared on your Facebook page. We encourage you to share and post with other families in your pack. 

Like Black Swamp Area Council on Facebook and share our Rocket Into Scouting posts. It’s a great way to get friends and families within your area exposed to Scouting. Twitter and Instagram also great platforms. Utilize #ScoutMeIn, #BeAScout or #BlackSwampScouting for any social media updates. Feel free to share posts from Black Swamp Area Council Facebook page to your posts.

Final tips in promoting your Pack's sign up night!!

Many of you have your yard signs up and have conducted open house booths within your schools to get families engaged for Rocket Into Scouting!!! Some County Fairs are still happening in some of our counties and having a booth with flyers and interactive activities, which is a great way to get families interested and signed up.

The most successful way to get kids signed up is to ASK!! Sharing Scouting experiences and opportunities with a neighbor or friend who has a child, has a tremendous impact and increases their chance of participation. Millennials gravitate toward first hand experiences and recommendations. Just think, if a pack of 10 youth had each member ask a friend to be in Scouts, the unit can double to 20 youth relatively easily.  The number one reason why a youth does not participate is because the child or the family isn’t asked. 

Have your Scout wear their uniform to school on your Joining Night!! This is a great way to dress for success and remind girls and boys about signup.

If you have school access limitations, utilize the business cards attached – this can be utilized as an invitation about coming to the kickoff – see attached 

The Sign up Night

When new families gather at your schools, have them sign-in and give them their registration packet. When you receive the signed, completed application and $11 registration fee give them their rocket, pack calendar, and parent orientation date “next meeting time”. Remember, new Scouts receive rockets and free admission into Family Fun Day - where they get to launch their rocket.

Be prepared to take cash, check, and credit card.  I would encourage your unit to use their own e-reader (pay anywhere, square) to accommodate credit cards (this will also come in handy for future popcorn sales).  Be sure you have setup the account on your smartphone beforehand.  You can find the app in your smartphone’s App Store.

Make sure to have EXTRA Youth Applications on hand in case you have a huge turn out!

After the Sign Up

Deliver applications, money (preferably one check from the pack account), and extra rockets at your District's drop off rally location the evening of September 12th.  If you have more youth sign up than you have rockets, great! That evening we can get you the extra rockets you need at the rally point location.   Units will be charged $4.00 per rocket if rockets were given away without paid application received.  

Membership Coordinators - District Executives by district

Old Sycamore

Brian Botti



Alice LaLone



Erika Dutcher


Great Oaks

Sydni Winkler



Online Registration Is Here

Units have the opportunity to accept new youth applications into their unit. Units can also invite people to register within their unit. Key unit leadership such as committee chair, charter organization representative, and cubmaster/scoutmaster will have access to online registration. All this will be done through their account.  For additional information, please see or to update your units information click Unit Pin Management, Unit Pin Management (Family Scouting-including girls)


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356