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There have been updates to Scouts BSA training program. Specifically, the courses on "Introduction to Merit Badges" and "Understanding the Role of a Merit Badge Counselor" have undergone recent enhancements. These two modules play a vital role in fulfilling the position-trained requirements for Merit Badge Counselors.  

Furthermore, "Introduction to Merit Badges" forms an integral part of the position-trained prerequisites for Troop Committee and Committee Chair roles, as well as Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster positions. 

We strongly urge every member to engage with these updated modules, tailored to your respective roles, ensuring that you possess the latest insights into this critical facet of Advancement. 

To access these new modules, please visit the Volunteer Learn Center via You'll find them integrated within the diverse Learning Plans for various positions, or you can effortlessly locate and explore them through the Catalog Search Function. 


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356