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We know EVERYTHING is more fun when friends are doing it with you. Scouting is no different, so we want to encourage all Scouts to invite their friends to sign-up for Scouting. The goal is for Scouts to use quarter sheet flyers, peer-to-peer cards, posters or personal invitation to all your unit’s upcoming meetings/events (think normal friend activities from our membership kick-off in August). The goal is for friends to see all the amazing things your unit does and want to be a part of the fun.

Here are all the benefits to Scouts.

  1. Any friend who signs up to be a part of your unit between October 28, 2024, and November 25, 2024, (this means their registration is turned into the Scout Office with payment, or registers through will qualify for their first Scout Book free.
  2. A Scout has just one friend sign-up during the recruitment window will receive their Recruiter Strip for free from BSAC if they don’t currently have it. To receive the Recruiter Strip, the Unit Leader should notify their District Executive (DE) the number of Scouts who earned them during the recruiting time. 
  3. Any Scout who has three or more friends join your unit during the time frame will receive a $10 gift certificate that can be used at the Lima or Findlay Scout Shop until December 31, 2024. Units should notify their DE to receive these gift certificates.


But wait… there’s more!!!

Units can earn a pizza party

  1. If your Unit would like the option to earn a pizza party, please reach out to your DE and give them dates of your meetings or events for the month of November.  Your DE will prepare flyers that can be used by an adult from your unit to do a Scout Talk at a school if it is allowed or dropped off at the school for the youth to take home.  If those are not options, the Unit can distribute the flyers at community events, churches or other locations for advertisement purposes including local businesses that allow community flyers to be hung.  You want to spread the word of all the awesome things your unit is doing and invite the community youth to attend.
  2. Any Unit that advertises using flyers made by their DE and has 10 or more youth sign-up for their Unit during the recruitment window earns a free pizza party provided by BSAC.


Black Swamp Area Council
2100 Broad Avenue, Findlay Ohio
(419) 422-4356