National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) 2023
Black Swamp Area Council Start Planning Now!
June 4-9, 2023, at Camp Berry
NOW through April 30 Price = $255 May 1 through May 20 Price = $280
A $80 non-refundable but transferable deposit may be made with the balance due by May 20.
Class size for 2023 NYLT is limited to 48 participants.
- First Class Scout
- 13 Years Old Minimum as of June 4, 2023
- Annual Health and Medical Record (Scout Medical form camp), #680-001parts A, B, & C
- Talent Release form- https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/marketing/pdf/talent.pdf
- Unit Leader’s Approval
REGISTER on the Council Calendar blackswampbsa.org, click the calendar tab, select June 2023, select NYLT June
For more information Contact:
Scout Office @ 419.422.4356 or Sandy Wood at bsacnylt@gmail.com or 419.212.3005
NYLT Vision:
"To provide youth with the information and knowledge they need to become successful leaders not just in scouting, but in life."
What do we do at NYLT?
The course models a typical month in a scouting unit and reinforces a youth-led, adult guided model. During the week-long course (Sunday afternoon till Friday night) NYLT participants are engaged in a unified approach to leadership that will give them the skills and confidence to lead well. Through a wide range of activities, events, games, and adventures, NYLT participants will work and play together as they put into action the best that Scouting has to offer.
Please encourage the youth leaders of your troop or crew to consider attending this leadership development training.
Sessions during the course:
- Communication
- Finding Your vision
- Setting Goals
- Planning
- Solving Problems
- Developing Your Team
- Servant Leadership-
- Scouting EDGE
- Servant Leadership
- Leading Yourself
- Ethic and Values
- Decision Making
- Diversity
- Valuing People
- Resolving Conflict
- Embracing Change
- Resilience

This registration page is for NYLT Participants who are registering for the 2022 NYLT course. Click on register to complete the process and pay the fee.
Fees for the 2023 NYLT Course are as follows:
NOW through April 30 Price = $255
May 1 through May 24 Price = $280
A $80 non-refundable but transferable deposit may be made with the balance due by May 24.
Questions about participating in NYLT contact:
Sandy Wood - e-mail: bsacnylt@gmail.com
Health Form