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| Advancement News: Citizenship in Society Merit Badge | Scouting's newest merit badge is to help educate Scouts on diversity, equity and inclusion. This Merit Badge is one of the educational and awareness initiatives the BSA is implementing to ensure every youth feels welcomed and wholly included in Scouting. Interested Merit Badge Counselors can learn more on expectations and download the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor (Facilitator) Expectations application. CLICK HERE to learn more.
| Wood Badge Adult Leadership Training | Wood Badge welcomes all Scout leaders! Whether you are a Pack, Troop, Crew, District or Council leader, you will find the essential tools at Wood Badge to help yourself and the Scouts you serve grow better. CLICK HERE to learn more!
| Campership Assistance Forms Available Online | Campership assistance helps Scouts and families needing assistance in paying the fees for council-sponsored scout summer activities. Don't miss camp, CLICK HERE and apply today.
| Coffee & Tea Sale Unit Orders Due April 11 | The 2022 Coffee & Tea Sale runs until April 8 to provide an opportunity for council Scouts to earn money for their Scouting program. Final Unit Order Forms are due by April 11 back into the council office. Learn more by CLICKING HERE!
| 30 Days to Stronger Scouting rolling forward | Units can earn FREE rank badges for the year | Each Scout unit can earn rank badges for FREE for a year by completing its Friends of Scouting presentation and surpassing the unit goal within 30 days. CLICK HERE for more information.
| NYLT Registration Now Open | The National Youth Leadership Training models a typical month in a Scouting unit and reinforces a youth-led, adult-guided model helping Scouts build on their leadership skills during this week-long course. CLICK HERE for more!. |
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Silver Beaver Video Spotlight | This year's Silver Beaver recipients share their individual Scouting journeys in these brief videos featured at this year's Council Dinner. |